[BREAKING] The power of the people should enforce the conscription system for women. Member for Maternity 모Decision to solve the low birth rate problem,
11 June Share
[BREAKING] The power of the people should enforce the conscription system for women. Member for Maternity 모Decision to solve the low birth rate problem,
[単独]「国民の力」女性徴兵制施行すべき。 母医院、少子化問題の解決のための決定、
【单独】国民的力量,应该实行女性征兵制... 毛议员저解决低出生率问题的决定,
[Только] Необходимо ввести в действие систему призыва женщин. "Решение по решению проблемы низкой рождаемости,