[BREAKING] [Exclusive] The last story about the controversy over Yoo Chae-eun, who admitted that she was a princess and tried to leave purely. But he didn't admit he looked like Amy, and the controversy erupted again
18 June Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] The last story about the controversy over Yoo Chae-eun, who admitted that she was a princess and tried to leave purely. But he didn't admit he looked like Amy, and the controversy erupted again
Последняя история о споре по поводу ягненка Ю, признала, что она принцесса, и попыталась уйти чисто. Но снова разразился спор, потому что он не признал, что он похож на Эми.
「[Exclusive] The last story about the controversy over Yoo Chae-eun, who admitted that she was a princess and tried to leave purely. But he didn't admit he looked like Amy, and the controversy erupted again」
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