[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Actor Kim Sae-ron, who was at the center of controversy over drunk driving, turned out to be due to the power of Jeong Tae-woong, a gas station in Deokha
28 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Actor Kim Sae-ron, who was at the center of controversy over drunk driving, turned out to be due to the power of Jeong Tae-woong, a gas station in Deokha
Оказывается, фильм «Ким Саэрон», киноактриса, которая была в центре спора за вождение в нетрезвом виде, был снят с использованием силы Чун Тэ-унг, главного вора в законе.
「[Breaking news] Actor Kim Sae-ron, who was at the center of controversy over drunk driving, turned out to be due to the power of Jeong Tae-woong, a gas station in Deokha」