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[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Neseraphim Kim Guaram, the school violence controversy..."It's a bad day, but I don't steal money or hit anyone.""
29 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Neseraphim Kim Guaram, the school violence controversy..."It's a bad day, but I don't steal money or hit anyone.""
[速报] Nicera Pime 金科蓝 学暴争议 接连引发一阵争议...粉丝们的冲击性道歉文"虽然是一阵,但不会抢钱或者打某人..."
[Следствие] Последовавший за этим спор по поводу Nesseraphim Kim и Ram School Division...Шокирующая фраза болельщиков "Это правильно, но не отнимает у меня денег или бьёт кого-то..."
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「[Breaking news] Neseraphim Kim Guaram, the school violence controversy..."It's a bad day, but I don't steal money or hit anyone.""」
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