[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The news that Kim from Seoul x Middle School is being bullied... ...the perpetrator's baby - Seowon x Dog Bird x No friends and no girlfriend. But last time, I complimented Jeno because he said he was handsome
8 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The news that Kim from Seoul x Middle School is being bullied... ...the perpetrator's baby - Seowon x Dog Bird x No friends and no girlfriend. But last time, I complimented Jeno because he said he was handsome
[Следствие] Новости о том, что Кима из средней школы Сеула изгоняют...Хранитель Чжун-Сёвон из-за болезни #сосаэ # нет друзей и подружек. Но в прошлый раз я сказал, что Джено красив, и похвалил меня.