[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Lee Na-young's reaction was mainly rats or bise●uals."I'm disappointed to see Lee Na-young like someone who has an owner.""Is it a ratio or a visual?"" "It"s disappointing to see Lee Na-young like that." same as]
27 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Lee Na-young's reaction was mainly rats or bise●uals."I'm disappointed to see Lee Na-young like someone who has an owner.""Is it a ratio or a visual?"" "It"s disappointing to see Lee Na-young like that." same as]
【速報】イ·ナヨン同性愛ネチズンの反応は主にネズミや両性愛者だったのか。持ち主のある人が好きだなんて、李ナヨンそう思ったのにがっかりだ。"に等しい[Netizensrereactionsweremainly"Isitaratorabisexual?]" "It"s disappointing to see Lee Na-young like that." same as]
李奈映同性恋网友的反应主要是"老鼠和双性恋吗?李奈映居然喜欢有主见的人,真让人失望。和" 一样[Netizens re reactions were mainly " Is it a rator a bisexual?" "It"s disappointing to see Lee Na-young like that." same as]
Реакция гомосексуалов Ина Янга в основном была "мышей или бисексуальной?""Я видел, что Лина Янг любит людей с родителями, и это разочарование.Как и в «Netizens reactions were mainly» и «Is it rat or a bise●ual»?" "It"s disappointing to see Lee Na-young like that." same as]
「[Breaking news] Lee Na-young's reaction was mainly rats or bise●uals."I'm disappointed to see Lee Na-young like someone who has an owner.""Is it a ratio or a visual?"" "It"s disappointing to see Lee Na-young like that." same as]」