[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Ministry of Gender Equality and Family reveals why they've been cracking down on Annie. "I don't need any animations other than Love Live."
5 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Ministry of Gender Equality and Family reveals why they've been cracking down on Annie. "I don't need any animations other than Love Live."
【速報】女性家族部、アニメ弾圧してきた理由を明らかに… "ラブライブ以外のアニメはいらない"
[速报] 女性家族部公布了镇压安妮的理由... "除了Love Live之外,不需要其他动画片"
Министерство по делам женщин и семьи раскрывает причины репрессий Энни... «Мне не нужна Энни, кроме LoveLive
「[Breaking news] Ministry of Gender Equality and Family reveals why they've been cracking down on Annie. "I don't need any animations other than Love Live."」