[BREAKING] [Breaking news] He said he was sweating in the bathroom Actor Kwon Sang-woo, one of the starting right-handed pitchers who has been absent, was reportedly injured on the set, he explained The best medicine to have a good time with your close friends on a day like this,
14 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] He said he was sweating in the bathroom Actor Kwon Sang-woo, one of the starting right-handed pitchers who has been absent, was reportedly injured on the set, he explained The best medicine to have a good time with your close friends on a day like this,
[Скоро] Он пошел в туалет и сказал, что потянулся. Актёр Квон Санг-woo, один из питчеров Wowan, который в это время был вакантным, объяснил, что он был ранен на съёмках. Препарат, который хорош для того, чтобы хорошо провести время с близкими людьми в тот день, когда вы используете его в качестве основы.
「[Breaking news] He said he was sweating in the bathroom Actor Kwon Sang-woo, one of the starting right-handed pitchers who has been absent, was reportedly injured on the set, he explained The best medicine to have a good time with your close friends on a day like this,」
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