[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A student named Lee Changjun who lives in Samju and a child named Kim Minjae who lives in a 4559 off-duty house are getting married If you press it right now, 100 million die
30 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] A student named Lee Changjun who lives in Samju and a child named Kim Minjae who lives in a 4559 off-duty house are getting married If you press it right now, 100 million die
[Монолог] Экспресс-Ли Чан Чжун, студентка из Самджу, и дети, живущие в доме номер 4559 по имени Ким Мин Чжэ, женятся. Если нажать прямо сейчас, то сейчас 100 миллионов.
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