[BREAKING] [Exclusive] [Breaking news] "One out of five people died..."" The death rate of the new virus is rapidly increasing, and the risk of the Ministry of Health and Welfare is at the highest level of 5 levels."The danger of the end in human history
10 September Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] [Breaking news] "One out of five people died..."" The death rate of the new virus is rapidly increasing, and the risk of the Ministry of Health and Welfare is at the highest level of 5 levels."The danger of the end in human history
[Монолитно] [Экстренные новости] "Каждый пятый умер..." Из-за резкого роста смертности от нового вируса, риск для Министерства здравоохранения и социального обеспечения также находится на пяти уровнях чрезвычайной ситуации.«Опасность конца в истории человечества»