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[BREAKING] [Breaking news] An investigation into the suspicion of 'Saemaeul Central Association Manager Park Myung-soo's golf entertainment' has begun

16 September Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking news] An investigation into the suspicion of 'Saemaeul Central Association Manager Park Myung-soo's golf entertainment' has begun


[速报] "新村中央会朴明秀科长高尔夫招待"疑惑调查开始

[Срочные новости] Начало расследования по подозрению «Центральный совет деревни Саэмаул Пак Мён Су, начальник отдела гольфа».

[속보] `새마을 중앙회 박명수 과장 골프접대` 의혹 수사 착수 [More News]

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「[Breaking news] An investigation into the suspicion of 'Saemaeul Central Association Manager Park Myung-soo's golf entertainment' has begun」

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충훈고 김준환 신일고 전학후 전국대회 타율0.861 MLB스카우터 눈도장찍다
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[速報] ソウル長坪小学校、滅び…
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[速報] お母さんたちの抗議が続いたため、YouTubeは8月10日から強制終了するでしょう。 YouTubeを見て勉強を全くしません。"
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