[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Those who want to play League of Legends, gather up. Discord server Lee Ha Min committed corruption... Park Jeongwoo's grade platinum issue is unbelievable
26 September Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Those who want to play League of Legends, gather up. Discord server Lee Ha Min committed corruption... Park Jeongwoo's grade platinum issue is unbelievable
[Срочные новости] Собирайте людей, которые собираются делать ролики, совершая коррупцию на дискод-сервере Ли Ха Мин... Чепуха выдала платиновый сертификат рейтинга Пак Чон У
「[Breaking news] Those who want to play League of Legends, gather up. Discord server Lee Ha Min committed corruption... Park Jeongwoo's grade platinum issue is unbelievable」