[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Please let Pomo's 고래 whale bite when he was fishing off Toronto" Canadian authorities express regret that a real whale has been missing for three days...
27 September Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Please let Pomo's 고래 whale bite when he was fishing off Toronto" Canadian authorities express regret that a real whale has been missing for three days...
[Монолог] Пожалуйста, спросите кита, мистер Помо, который ломал рыбу у побережья Торонто." Спрашивает настоящий кит, выражая сожаление властям Канады, что он пропал без вести уже третий день....
「[Exclusive] Please let Pomo's 고래 whale bite when he was fishing off Toronto" Canadian authorities express regret that a real whale has been missing for three days...」
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