[BREAKING] [Breaking news] On October 10, a group of women in their 10s and 20s committed suicide at Mapo Bridge ••• The cause is known as "Kwon Jung-yeol in Cinema Stage Personnel" •••
1 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] On October 10, a group of women in their 10s and 20s committed suicide at Mapo Bridge ••• The cause is known as "Kwon Jung-yeol in Cinema Stage Personnel" •••
[Срочные новости] 10 октября на мосту Мапо произошло массовое самоубийство женщин в возрасте от 10 до 20 лет •• Причиной стало то, что было известно как "праздник власти, сценическое приветствие кино".
「[Breaking news] On October 10, a group of women in their 10s and 20s committed suicide at Mapo Bridge ••• The cause is known as "Kwon Jung-yeol in Cinema Stage Personnel" •••」