[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Lotte Hwang Sung-bin goes to the second division due to a side injury. Sung Min-kyu, the head of the team, said he will trade with NC sometime next year.
7 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Lotte Hwang Sung-bin goes to the second division due to a side injury. Sung Min-kyu, the head of the team, said he will trade with NC sometime next year.
[Срочные новости] Лотте Хван Сон Бин отправляется во 2-ю команду из-за травмы боковых сторон. Сон Мин Гю, генеральный директор, будет торговаться с NC примерно в следующем году.
「[Breaking news] Lotte Hwang Sung-bin goes to the second division due to a side injury. Sung Min-kyu, the head of the team, said he will trade with NC sometime next year.」