[BREAKING] [Breaking news] This is breaking news A 14-year-old sheep, who was working as ID Hey09O in an open chat room inside the Kakao service, attempted to beg for a hamburger and was booked without detention after a search at around 12:03 a.m. today
23 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] This is breaking news A 14-year-old sheep, who was working as ID Hey09O in an open chat room inside the Kakao service, attempted to beg for a hamburger and was booked without detention after a search at around 12:03 a.m. today
[Срочные новости] Срочные новости 14-летняя мисс, работающая под именем ID Hey09로 в открытом чате в службе Kakao Kakao, попыталась попробовать гамбургер и сегодня около 12:03 кибер- следственная группа забронировала его без задержания после обыска.