[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Mr. Lee, who lives in Geumcheon-gu, is known to have been killed by a second-year middle school student the next morning. The reason for the crime is speaking informally?
23 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Mr. Lee, who lives in Geumcheon-gu, is known to have been killed by a second-year middle school student the next morning. The reason for the crime is speaking informally?
[速報]衿川区に住む李某氏の翌朝、中学2年生に殺害されたという。 犯行の理由はため口?
[速报] 住在衿川区的李某第二天早上被初中二年级杀害了... 犯罪理由是平语?
[Срочные новости] Известно, что Ли, живущая в Кымчхон-гу, была убита вторым классом средней школы на следующее утро. Причина преступления - неформальная?