[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The police are planning to arrest Kim Ji-woo, a 6th grader in Dongjak-gu, Seoul, for serious theft.Police "strict punishment for student theft from now on," including expensive cell phones and glasses cleaning of victim students on the theft list
30 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The police are planning to arrest Kim Ji-woo, a 6th grader in Dongjak-gu, Seoul, for serious theft.Police "strict punishment for student theft from now on," including expensive cell phones and glasses cleaning of victim students on the theft list
[Срочные новости] Полиция арестовывает студента Ким Джи У в начальной школе Донджак-гу в Сеуле за кражу средней тяжести.Полиция "С этого момента сурово наказывает студента за кражу", в том числе за дорогостоящий телефон и вытирание очков потерпевшего.