[BREAKING] [Breaking news] However, Sancho Boss appears with the mafias and asks Cha Gun-ho for a soccer match. Cha Gun-ho accepts the confrontation and the soccer match begins. First, Sancho reverses the mask and causes Cha Gun-ho to wear the mask upside down. Then Sancho scored a goal with a banaba kick. However, it was his own goal, and in the next round, Cha Gun-ho shoots Sancho in the abdomen with a gun and puts the ball into the net to win. But Sancho...
15 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] However, Sancho Boss appears with the mafias and asks Cha Gun-ho for a soccer match. Cha Gun-ho accepts the confrontation and the soccer match begins. First, Sancho reverses the mask and causes Cha Gun-ho to wear the mask upside down. Then Sancho scored a goal with a banaba kick. However, it was his own goal, and in the next round, Cha Gun-ho shoots Sancho in the abdomen with a gun and puts the ball into the net to win. But Sancho...
Но Санчо Босс появляется с мафией и просит Ча Гон Хо сыграть в футбол. Ча Гон Хо получает конфронтацию, а футбольный матч начинается. Во-первых, санчо переворачивает маску вверх ногами, а Ча Гон Хо заставляет маску носить Наоборот. Тогда Санчо забил гол в ворота с банановым ударом. Однако это был гол-самоубийца, и в следующем раунде Ча Гон Хо стреляет в живот Санчо из пистолета, а затем забивает мяч в ворота и побеждает. Но Санчо...