[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The missile that flew in North Korea fell into the sea next to Incheon... Disaster and Safety Management Headquarters issued an air raid warning to Seoul
26 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The missile that flew in North Korea fell into the sea next to Incheon... Disaster and Safety Management Headquarters issued an air raid warning to Seoul
【速報】北朝鮮を飛ばしたミサイル、仁川の隣の海に落下… 災害安全管理本部仁川、ソウルに空襲警報発令
[速报] 朝鲜发射的导弹坠落在仁川旁边的大海... 灾难安全管理本部仁川向首尔发布空袭警报
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