[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Declared re-enlistment without enduring the provocation of Seon Jong-hyun's North Korean government, "I will slaughter all those red babies."“
1 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Declared re-enlistment without enduring the provocation of Seon Jong-hyun's North Korean government, "I will slaughter all those red babies."“
[Срочные новости] Не выдержав провокаций северокорейского лидера Сон Чон Хёна, он заявил о своём возвращении в армию: «Я убью всех этих красных детенышей.“
「[Breaking news] Declared re-enlistment without enduring the provocation of Seon Jong-hyun's North Korean government, "I will slaughter all those red babies."“」