[BREAKING] [Breaking news] 朴A hard-line response to the remarks made by the head of the water source.Lee Eun-seop, vice chairman of the Daesuwon, has been nominated
1 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] 朴A hard-line response to the remarks made by the head of the water source.Lee Eun-seop, vice chairman of the Daesuwon, has been nominated
[速报] ◇,对大水原长的发言采取强硬应对方针...李恩燮被任命为大修院副委员长
[Срочные новости] Политика жесткой реакции на замечания председателя Верховного судаРешение о назначении заместителя председателя совета директоров Ли Ын Сопа
「[Breaking news] 朴A hard-line response to the remarks made by the head of the water source.Lee Eun-seop, vice chairman of the Daesuwon, has been nominated」