[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The KCTU's vote on the withdrawal of the strike was rejected... A general strike will be held on the 10th after the final agreement is broken
9 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The KCTU's vote on the withdrawal of the strike was rejected... A general strike will be held on the 10th after the final agreement is broken
[速報] 民主労総のスト撤回賛否投票否決… 最終合意決裂、10日ゼネスト実施
【速报】民主劳总取消罢工表决投票被否决 最终协议破裂,将于10日举行总罢工
[Срочные новости] Отказ голосовать за или против отмены забастовки Корейской конфедерации профсоюзов... Срыв окончательного соглашения приведет к всеобщей забастовке 10 числа.
「[Breaking news] The KCTU's vote on the withdrawal of the strike was rejected... A general strike will be held on the 10th after the final agreement is broken」
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