[BREAKING] [Breaking news] You liked Go Minjung more than Song Yul and Yoon Yejun?Song Yulhan likes it so much. Yoon Yejun and Oh Ha Min misunderstood each other. I had Ko Min-jung all by myself
18 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] You liked Go Minjung more than Song Yul and Yoon Yejun?Song Yulhan likes it so much. Yoon Yejun and Oh Ha Min misunderstood each other. I had Ko Min-jung all by myself
[Срочные новости] Оказывается, вам больше нравились переживания Сон Юля О Хамина и Юн Е Чжуна?Сон Юль Хан так любит, что неправильно понимают Юн Е Чжун и О Ха Мин. Я один доминировал над своими проблемами.
「[Breaking news] You liked Go Minjung more than Song Yul and Yoon Yejun?Song Yulhan likes it so much. Yoon Yejun and Oh Ha Min misunderstood each other. I had Ko Min-jung all by myself」