[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The prosecution, the representative of the student committee, and other officials are seeking an arrest warrant for the transfer...a rapid increase in investigation
22 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The prosecution, the representative of the student committee, and other officials are seeking an arrest warrant for the transfer...a rapid increase in investigation
[速報] 検察、学生委代表など関係者利敵罪で逮捕状請求…捜査急流
[速报] 检方以通敌罪对学生委员会代表等相关人士申请拘捕令...搜查急流
[Срочные новости] Прокуратура, представители студенческого комитета и другие лица просят ордер на арест за передачу...Внезапная волна расследования
「[Breaking news] The prosecution, the representative of the student committee, and other officials are seeking an arrest warrant for the transfer...a rapid increase in investigation」