[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Elementary school student Lee and Park were exposed to radiation on the street and died. It turned out that Godzilla was the main culprit of radioactivity
29 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Elementary school student Lee and Park were exposed to radiation on the street and died. It turned out that Godzilla was the main culprit of radioactivity
[速報] 小学生のイ某氏、パク某氏、道端で放射能に被爆して死亡。 実は放射能の元凶がゴジラという
[速报]小学生李某朴某在路上被辐射炸死... 原来核辐射的元凶是哥斯拉
[Срочные новости] Тетя из начальной школы умерла от облучения радиацией по дороге. Оказывается, главный виновник радиации - Годзилла.