[BREAKING] [Breaking News] BTS & Qin & Qin: Are you filling up the gap due to military service? Bang Si-hyuk, the representative of Hive, will be revealed soon the temporary members of BTS." Remarks..Fans' reactions are mixed.
7 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] BTS & Qin & Qin: Are you filling up the gap due to military service? Bang Si-hyuk, the representative of Hive, will be revealed soon the temporary members of BTS." Remarks..Fans' reactions are mixed.
[速报] BTS & quot; Jin & quot; 填补因入伍而留下的空白吗? HIB代表方时赫"BTS临时成员即将公开"发言..球迷们的反应各不相同
[Срочные новости] BTS – Заполнить вакуум, вызванный введением войск? Генеральный директор Hive Бан Си Хёк скоро представит временного члена BTS.— М.: Наука, 1970.Неоднозначная реакция фанатов