[BREAKING] [Breaking News] 15-year-old Zahina and 16-year-old Kim Ji-hoon were taken from the ambulance at around 9:59 after a fight broke out in an alleyway tonight and hit each other's heads!
7 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] 15-year-old Zahina and 16-year-old Kim Ji-hoon were taken from the ambulance at around 9:59 after a fight broke out in an alleyway tonight and hit each other's heads!
[Срочные новости] 15-летняя Захина и 16-летняя студентка Ким Джи Хун сегодня ночью устроили ссоры в переулке и избили друг друга головами около 9:59 ее забрали из скорой помощи!