[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Breaking news! Hyunjun had diarrhea, and Kkami, the cat next to him, passed out. Hyunjun was sentenced to 50 million years in prison.
9 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Breaking news! Hyunjun had diarrhea, and Kkami, the cat next to him, passed out. Hyunjun was sentenced to 50 million years in prison.
[Срочные новости] Свежие новости! Хёнджун упаковал диарею, а кошка Ками, которая была с ним, упала в обморок. Хён Чжун был приговорен к 50 миллионам лет тюрьмы.
「[Breaking news] Breaking news! Hyunjun had diarrhea, and Kkami, the cat next to him, passed out. Hyunjun was sentenced to 50 million years in prison.」
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