[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Lee, who has become a believer in Samcheok, is on the verge of default due to the late administration of the Korea Scholarship Foundation.
1 February Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Lee, who has become a believer in Samcheok, is on the verge of default due to the late administration of the Korea Scholarship Foundation.
[Срочные новости] "Это будет так", Самчеоксо - "Тетя, которая стала относительно буддистской, находится под угрозой дефолта из-за поздней администрации Корейского стипендиального фонда.
「[Breaking News] Lee, who has become a believer in Samcheok, is on the verge of default due to the late administration of the Korea Scholarship Foundation.」