[BREAKING] [Breaking news] S, a prospective graduate of Gyeongbuk, canceled his license because he missed the deadline for issuing his license. the first state of affairs since the founding of the country
16 February Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] S, a prospective graduate of Gyeongbuk, canceled his license because he missed the deadline for issuing his license. the first state of affairs since the founding of the country
【速報】慶尚北道の卒業予定者S君、免許交付期限を逃して免許取り消し… 建国以来初の事態
[速报]庆尚北道的应届毕业生S某因错过驾照发放期限被吊销驾照... 建国以来前所未有的事态
[Срочные новости] S-гун, выпускник в провинции Кёнсан-Пукто, отменил лицензию из-за пропущенного срока выдачи лицензии. Беспрецедентное положение с момента основания государства