[BREAKING] [Breaking News] As star couple Song Joong-ki and Lee Sun-hee, Yoon Kye-sang, Kim Tae-hee, Lee Min-ho and Han Chae-young got married, enthusiastic fans sang beautifully on stage to celebrate the couple.
1 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] As star couple Song Joong-ki and Lee Sun-hee, Yoon Kye-sang, Kim Tae-hee, Lee Min-ho and Han Chae-young got married, enthusiastic fans sang beautifully on stage to celebrate the couple.
[Срочные новости] Звездная пара Сон Чжун Ки - Ли Сон Хи, Юн Ге Сан - Ким Тэ Хи, Ли Мин Хо - Хан Чэ Ён вышла замуж, а восторженные фанаты пели красиво на сцене, чтобы поздравить пару.
「[Breaking News] As star couple Song Joong-ki and Lee Sun-hee, Yoon Kye-sang, Kim Tae-hee, Lee Min-ho and Han Chae-young got married, enthusiastic fans sang beautifully on stage to celebrate the couple.」