[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Stars' relationships and marriages have now been revealed! Actor C married actor D in the entertainment industry, and there was a hot story.
3 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Stars' relationships and marriages have now been revealed! Actor C married actor D in the entertainment industry, and there was a hot story.
[速報] スターたちの恋愛と結婚が公開された! 俳優Cが芸能界の俳優Dと結婚し、熱い話が出た。
[速报] 明星们的恋爱和结婚现在公开了! 演员C与演艺界的演员D结婚后,传出了热烈的故事。
[Срочные новости] Отношения звезд и их брак только что были обнародованы! Была горячая история, когда актер С женился на актрисе Д из индустрии развлечений.
「[Breaking news] Stars' relationships and marriages have now been revealed! Actor C married actor D in the entertainment industry, and there was a hot story.」