[BREAKING] [Breaking News] A health club bird lover, looking for company A's cell phone emoticon to tease a friend of Mr. Oh, and saying "bat bird"... His friend, identified only by his surname Kim, said, "Shocking…"Bats give birth to babies." Netizens' response is cold.
4 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] A health club bird lover, looking for company A's cell phone emoticon to tease a friend of Mr. Oh, and saying "bat bird"... His friend, identified only by his surname Kim, said, "Shocking…"Bats give birth to babies." Netizens' response is cold.
[Срочные новости] Один из оздоровительных клубов, любитель птиц, дразнит друга О, ищу смайлик для мобильного телефона компании А и замечания "Летучая мышь" Его друг Ким Мо "шок...У летучих мышей тоже есть детеныши", - холодно отреагировали пользователи сети.