[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Abarai Ichika, daughter of the 13th and 6th battalions. Is she the daughter of Unit 6? Amid controversy and suspicions about his father, he is shocked that rumors that are bad for the spirit government are circulating! "Ichika Abarai is the daughter of Genji," said a key official at the Abarai unit.
14 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Abarai Ichika, daughter of the 13th and 6th battalions. Is she the daughter of Unit 6? Amid controversy and suspicions about his father, he is shocked that rumors that are bad for the spirit government are circulating! "Ichika Abarai is the daughter of Genji," said a key official at the Abarai unit.
Дочь командира 13-го батальона и командира 6-го батальона, Абараи Итика... Дочь командира 6-го батальона верна? Шокирует слухи о плохом настроении на фоне споров и подозрений по поводу отцовства! Ключевые должностные лица вице-адмирала Абарая & "Абараи Итиканим - дочь генерала Ренци.
「[Breaking news] Abarai Ichika, daughter of the 13th and 6th battalions. Is she the daughter of Unit 6? Amid controversy and suspicions about his father, he is shocked that rumors that are bad for the spirit government are circulating! "Ichika Abarai is the daughter of Genji," said a key official at the Abarai unit.」
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