[BREAKING] [Breaking News] [Breaking News] During a rally at an acquaintance's farm, he held a rally for the friendship of the surrounding devastation due to a fire, but due to the last attack of the king crab, he said he would respond to the fire farm owner @@, which shocked his acquaintances.
19 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] [Breaking News] During a rally at an acquaintance's farm, he held a rally for the friendship of the surrounding devastation due to a fire, but due to the last attack of the king crab, he said he would respond to the fire farm owner @@, which shocked his acquaintances.
[Срочные новости] [Срочные новости] Во время объединения на ферме знакомых, он заявил, что будет законным образом реагировать на владельца пожарной фермы @ @@Cy King Crap из-за последнего удара королевского краба.
「[Breaking News] [Breaking News] During a rally at an acquaintance's farm, he held a rally for the friendship of the surrounding devastation due to a fire, but due to the last attack of the king crab, he said he would respond to the fire farm owner @@, which shocked his acquaintances.」
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