[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Son Heung-min scored three goals in seven minutes. Colombian players will go to self-reflect in Korean. Heungmin hyung wakes up as a super-super-scion because he's happy
24 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Son Heung-min scored three goals in seven minutes. Colombian players will go to self-reflect in Korean. Heungmin hyung wakes up as a super-super-scion because he's happy
[Срочные новости] Сон Хын Мин забил 3 гола подряд через 7 минут после начала игры. Колумбийские спортсмены приедут после того, как будут жить по-корейски. В радости Хынмина хёна пробуждается как супер-суперсаен.
「[Breaking news] Son Heung-min scored three goals in seven minutes. Colombian players will go to self-reflect in Korean. Heungmin hyung wakes up as a super-super-scion because he's happy」
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