[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kim Joon-hyuk, CEO of Concept Corporation, appointed lawyer Kim & Chang, "I can't tolerate swearing at me, but I can't tolerate swearing at her;
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kim Joon-hyuk, CEO of Concept Corporation, appointed lawyer Kim & Chang, "I can't tolerate swearing at me, but I can't tolerate swearing at her;
[Срочные новости] Ким Джун Хёк, генеральный директор Concept Corporation, назначила адвоката Ким Эн Чжан, сказав: «Даже если вы терпите оскорбление меня, вы не можете оскорбить ее».
「[Breaking News] Kim Joon-hyuk, CEO of Concept Corporation, appointed lawyer Kim & Chang, "I can't tolerate swearing at me, but I can't tolerate swearing at her;」
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