[BREAKING] [Comprehensive] In the end, due to a series of shocks at the news of the breakdown of the appointment with a 24-year-old friend of Jeong Jin-je..
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Comprehensive] In the end, due to a series of shocks at the news of the breakdown of the appointment with a 24-year-old friend of Jeong Jin-je..
[総合] 24歳チョン·ジンジェ君の友達との約束決裂の知らせに相次ぐ衝撃で結局..
[综合] 24岁郑镇济君和朋友约会破裂的消息接连传来冲击,最终...
[Общий] В конце концов, я был шокирован новостью о разрыве моих обещаний с 24-летним другом Чон Джин Чже.
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