[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Democratic Party of Korea "Why do you insist that North Korea was responsible for the Cheonan Lee Myung Bak?" National strength "We should stop distorting Cheonan immediately."
2 April Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Democratic Party of Korea "Why do you insist that North Korea was responsible for the Cheonan Lee Myung Bak?" National strength "We should stop distorting Cheonan immediately."
[Монолог] Демократическая партия "Чхонан Хам Мён Бак, ответственность за это лежит на Ли Мёнбаке?" Национальная власть "Должен немедленно прекратить искажение Чхонанга".
「[Exclusive] Democratic Party of Korea "Why do you insist that North Korea was responsible for the Cheonan Lee Myung Bak?" National strength "We should stop distorting Cheonan immediately."」