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[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kyungpook National University's Department of Earth Systems Abolished.. Are there any countermeasures against local national universities that are gradually collapsing?

17 April Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kyungpook National University's Department of Earth Systems Abolished.. Are there any countermeasures against local national universities that are gradually collapsing?

【速報】慶北(キョンブク)大学地区システム学部廃止手順.. だんだん崩れていく地方拠点国立大学対策はないのか?

【速报】庆北大学地球系统系废除程序.. 没有逐渐崩溃的地方据点国立大学对策吗?

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「[Breaking News] Kyungpook National University's Department of Earth Systems Abolished.. Are there any countermeasures against local national universities that are gradually collapsing?」

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