[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Is the character of "Kang Tae-oh" changing? Director Interview "Consideration of Park Seo-joon as Lee Joon-ho due to internal drama circumstances due to military reasons."
30 May Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Is the character of "Kang Tae-oh" changing? Director Interview "Consideration of Park Seo-joon as Lee Joon-ho due to internal drama circumstances due to military reasons."
[Только] Странный адвокат Со Ён У и Ли Джун Хо поменяли главных героев «Кан Тэ О»? Интервью с режиссером "Из-за возможности отсутствия из-за армии, рассмотрение внутренней драмы Пак Со Джун Ли.