[BREAKING] [Breaking News] It is said that Mr. Potato, a fifth-grade student at the beginning of each year, disparaged Mr. Acorn.Reporter Kim Hyun-seo, please report on the news. Yes, it is said that Mr. Potato said to Mr. Acorn, "Why doesn't he give money?" Yes...It's such a shame
9 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] It is said that Mr. Potato, a fifth-grade student at the beginning of each year, disparaged Mr. Acorn.Reporter Kim Hyun-seo, please report on the news. Yes, it is said that Mr. Potato said to Mr. Acorn, "Why doesn't he give money?" Yes...It's such a shame
[Срочные новости] Говорят, что в начале каждого месяца картофель в 5-м классе говорил нищим Дотори.Пожалуйста, сообщите об этом репортеру Ким Хёнсо. Да. Говорят, что господин Картофельный сказал Дотори, почему он ...не пахнет деньгами?? да...Очень жаль.