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[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kim Yu-jin, a member of Samsung Medical Center, offered to read the Bible this week...

12 June Share

[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Kim Yu-jin, a member of Samsung Medical Center, offered to read the Bible this week...

[速報] 三星(サムスン)ソウル病院所属の金ユジン、今週の駐日聖書朗読を提案···

[速报] 三星首尔医院所属的金有珍 本周周日提议封读圣经...

[Срочные новости] Ким Ю Джин из больницы Самсунг в Сеуле, предложение прочитать Библию на этой неделе...

[속보] 삼성서울병원 소속 김유진 이번주 주일 성경봉독 제의... [More News]

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