[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Banpo baseball team player Cho Sung-chul.. The controversy is over which hand the field and the glove should be worn. a ball thrown after many twists and turns. I ended up in "here."
21 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Banpo baseball team player Cho Sung-chul.. The controversy is over which hand the field and the glove should be worn. a ball thrown after many twists and turns. I ended up in "here."
[Срочные новости] Чо Сон Чхоль, игрок в бейсбольную команду Банпо. Полемика по поводу того, в какой руке я и перчатки должны быть. Мяч, брошенный после взлетов и падений. В конце концов, я вошел в "Это место».
「[Breaking news] Banpo baseball team player Cho Sung-chul.. The controversy is over which hand the field and the glove should be worn. a ball thrown after many twists and turns. I ended up in "here."」
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