[BREAKING] [Breaking news] North Korean troops are crossing the 38th parallel and advancing toward Gangwon-do.Fire on the Korean Peninsula (Emergency Strike Around the World)
22 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] North Korean troops are crossing the 38th parallel and advancing toward Gangwon-do.Fire on the Korean Peninsula (Emergency Strike Around the World)
[速報] 北朝鮮軍38度線を越えて江原道方向に進撃中。韓半島を火の海に(全世界緊急打戦)
[Срочные новости] Северокорейская армия продвигается в направлении Канвондо через 38-ю параллель.Корейский полуостров к морю (чрезвычайная ситуация по всему миру).