[BREAKING] [Breaking news] 5th grade, 4th class, 1st class, and advanced to the semifinals...Women's team advanced to the final round of the loser's match
6 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] 5th grade, 4th class, 1st class, and advanced to the semifinals...Women's team advanced to the final round of the loser's match
[速報] 5年4組1組破ってベスト4進出···女子部は敗者戦決勝進出
[速报] 5年级4班 打败1班进入4强...女子组进入败者战决赛
[Срочные новости] Я победил класс 5 и класс 4 и вышел в полуфинал....Женская сборная вышла в финал проигравшей игры