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[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Jung Minsoo. My ruler is the thickest among Korean men..I was shocked by the sudden slip of the tongue.
10 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Jung Minsoo. My ruler is the thickest among Korean men..I was shocked by the sudden slip of the tongue.
[速報] チョン·ミンス。 私の字の太さは韓国の男性の中で一番太い..突然の失言に期待衝撃!!
[速报] 郑民秀 我的尺子是韩国男人中最粗的..突如其来的失言让期待感震惊..!!
[Срочные новости] Чон Мин Су. Мой спагетти самый толстый среди корейских мужчин.Шок от внезапной болтовни...!!
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「[Breaking news] Jung Minsoo. My ruler is the thickest among Korean men..I was shocked by the sudden slip of the tongue.」
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