[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Valorant valorant killjust (Hong Chan-bin) signed a contract with Gen.G. According to Killjust player who broke it two weeks after official release, he abandoned Gen.G and became a fa, but another team official will soon appear I'm rooting for killjust's actions on valnews
22 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Valorant valorant killjust (Hong Chan-bin) signed a contract with Gen.G. According to Killjust player who broke it two weeks after official release, he abandoned Gen.G and became a fa, but another team official will soon appear I'm rooting for killjust's actions on valnews
[Срочные новости] Через две недели после подписания контракта с Балорантом (Хон Чан Бин) Дженджи, по словам Паги Киллджуста, он отказался от нынешнего Дженджи и стал fa, но скоро появится другая команда. В val news поддерживают шаги killjust
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