[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The reality of Jeongdonghae... 1st grade of Yeongwol Middle School.. Are you a freshman? Looking at Waku alone, 14-year-old Jeong Dong-hae, who is in his 50s, confessed himself to being gay this afternoon, causing everyone's shock. According to Jeong Dong-hae, even Jang Woo-jin and Choi Woo-jin, who were close friends, and Kim Min-joon, who showed signs of dislike, were found to have a crush, so Lee Moo is not paying attention.. Shin Haechan of Yeongwol Middle School
23 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] The reality of Jeongdonghae... 1st grade of Yeongwol Middle School.. Are you a freshman? Looking at Waku alone, 14-year-old Jeong Dong-hae, who is in his 50s, confessed himself to being gay this afternoon, causing everyone's shock. According to Jeong Dong-hae, even Jang Woo-jin and Choi Woo-jin, who were close friends, and Kim Min-joon, who showed signs of dislike, were found to have a crush, so Lee Moo is not paying attention.. Shin Haechan of Yeongwol Middle School
[Срочные новости] Реальность Чон Дон Хэ... Первый класс средней школы Ёнволь. Это первый класс, верно? Чон Дон Хэ, которому за 50 лет, сегодня после обеда признался, что он гей, что вызывает шок у всех. По словам Чон Дон Хэ, выяснилось, что Чан У Чжин, который был близок, и Ким Мин Чжун, который показал, что ненавидит Чхве Чжина, влюблены друг в друга, и Лиму тоже не обращает на это внимания. Статья Шин Хэ-чана из средней школы Ёнволь